Currently, I work at A&B Engineering in England, where I hold the position of Digital Marketing Manager. The solid foundations in management that I acquired at ESAA allowed me to adapt quickly and effectively to international professional challenges.
The in-depth courses in business strategy, finance and human resources management provided me with the tools necessary to excel in a dynamic and competitive work environment.
A notable memory of my years at ESAA is undoubtedly the group projects where we had to collaborate to solve practical cases. These experiences not only taught me the importance of teamwork, but also allowed me to develop essential leadership and communication skills.
I particularly remember a business simulation project where we had to make strategic decisions to make our virtual business prosper. This project was real preparation for the real world and gave me confidence in my abilities to make important decisions.
For future ESAA graduates, I would like to emphasize the importance of taking full advantage of all the opportunities offered by the school.
Get involved in projects, participate in seminars and networking, and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. ESAA prepares you not only with academic knowledge, but also with practical skills essential for the job market.


Digital Marketing Manager at A&B Engineering - England

As a former student of the Algerian School of Business (ESAA), I am proud to be able to share my journey and my experience with the community of graduates of our establishment. Since graduating, my career has taken diverse and rewarding directions.

In addition to my activity as a lawyer specializing in consumer law, I have also developed expertise as a consultant in marketing and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

My skills acquired at ESAA, particularly in terms of analysis, complex problem solving and communication, have been essential in allowing me to flourish in these different areas. I had the chance to work on many exciting projects, where I was able to put into practice the lessons learned at school. For example, preparing a demanding consumer law case allowed me to develop recognized expertise. Likewise, my missions as a marketing and CSR consultant have led me to support companies in their sustainable development and responsible innovation initiatives.

Today, as a public relations officer for the Algerian consumer protection organization (APOCE), I can say that ESAA has provided me with the necessary tools to address these challenges and have a positive impact on society. . My advice for future generations would be to always keep in mind the importance of public service, professional ethics and openness to new opportunities. With these values ​​and this curiosity, I am convinced that you, like me, will be able to succeed and flourish in your careers."


Lawyer and Consultant in Marketing & CSR

After obtaining my master's degree at ESAA, CCA specialty, I had the opportunity to work in several multinational companies. Thanks to this high-level training, I was able to evolve in varied and demanding sectors, notably hydrocarbons and the pharmaceutical industry.

My professional career has been enriched by multiple experiences, particularly in the field of finance and internal audit. Currently, I hold the position of Finance & Planning Analysis Manager Maghreb at Amgen (pharmaceutical sector company). In this role, I am responsible for financial analysis, planning and budget management for several countries in the region.

In addition to finance, internal audit has also been an important component of my journey. This experience allowed me to develop my skills in risk assessment, compliance and internal process improvement. I have been able to identify opportunities to optimize and strengthen internal controls in all the companies in which I have worked, thus contributing to the efficiency and transparency of operations.

Thanks to the quality training that I received at ESAA and which was provided by a faculty from leading schools in Europe as well as in Algeria, I was able to build a dynamic and diversified career. All of this has given me a great ability to adapt to complex environments and bring significant added value to each organization I have worked with.

SOUALHI Mohammed Nadjib

Finance and Planning Analysis Manager – Maghreb – Amgen

My professional career is the least to say atypical, but it all has started with ESAA…

ESAA is where I first touched base with the professional word. Unlike the classic academic curriculums, ESAA put further emphasis on how concepts should be applied in the real word and how to think like a professional while keeping up with the latest academic advancements.
You never really graduate but rather continue your ESAA journey outside the walls of what used to be Hotel Ziri. Working in groups, respecting schedules and most importantly delivering quality work were values that ESAA embedded on each of us. All these skills were crucial during my career as a pension professional, as I had to work with colleagues from different backgrounds and responds to clients with diverse needs.

My humble journey’s takeaways for current students are:

  1. “There is nothing outside yourself that can enable you to get better, stronger or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside yourself”. Miyamoto Musashi
  2. Logic and common sense solve most of the issues you will encounter while learning will come to nourish them.
  3. Always stick to your priorities otherwise, chances are that you won’t reach your goal.


Employee Benefit Analyst at Swift

My name is Ramzi HADJ AISSA and I graduated from ESAA in 2021. Currently, I am a Store Manager at Decathlon El Djazaïr. Since obtaining my Bachelor's degree in Management Sciences with a specialization in Distribution Marketing, I have had the opportunity to tackle numerous challenges and work on interesting projects in the retail sector.

ESAA has truly been a significant pillar in my career. In addition to the quality of the courses, what stood out to me was the spirit of excellence instilled in us. Always striving to do better than the day before and pushing oneself has been a constant source of motivation for me. The skills in distribution marketing that I acquired at ESAA greatly helped me to progress quickly within Decathlon.

I still remember the moments spent at ESAA where the atmosphere and support from the teachers encouraged us to give our best. These experiences enriched my knowledge and allowed me to build strong friendships and a valuable professional network.

For future graduates, my advice is to make the most of each teacher's experience. Every course, every project, and every interaction with professors and classmates is an opportunity to learn and grow. Remain curious and always seek to enrich yourself because these skills will be essential in the professional world.

I am proud to be part of this great family that is L’ESAA and I am always available to support and inspire new generations of students. Don't forget that the Alumni network is a valuable resource, so stay connected and continue to strive for excellence.


Store Manager at Decathlon El Djazair

The MBA at ESAA was a true turning point in my professional career; the transition from 'Banker' to 'Manager.

Indeed, career advancement has not always been closely tied to obtaining diplomas, but having an MBA from ESAA gave me the necessary management tools that facilitated my assumption of certain roles, particularly that of 'Manager of managers.'

The variety and richness of the course content, the high level of speakers from various international backgrounds, and the diversity of the group of classmates from different professional environments are the key points of this wonderful experience that I had and from which I retain the best memories. I still smile when I recall our rich and sometimes funny exchanges over lunch in the cafeteria; among others, one time one of our classmates tried to decipher the meaning of 'DFM' and 'DFSK.’ To this day, in my current role, I often refer back to certain concepts we learned at ESAA, whether for my own continuous development or to support my colleagues in their professional growth.

I am proud to be part of the ESAA ALUMNI, a great school that I highly recommend not only to students and professionals for their personal development but also to organizations that want to invest in their human capital.


Regional Director – Gulf Bank Algeria (AGB)